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Love Gracefully
Pastor Chris Everson • Today at 10:00am
Come and See
Rev. Dr. Jan Davis • 9/1/2024
Decommission Service of our historic sanctuary site.
Pastor Chris Everson • 8/25/2024
Keeper Of Promises
Pastor Chris Everson • 8/25/2024
Asking for Wisdom
Pastor Chris Everson • 8/18/2024
Pastor Chris Everson • 8/11/2024
What Soil are You on?
Pastor Chris Everson • 7/28/2024
Ha Tiqvah
Rev. Charles Jackson • 7/21/2024
Finding Joy
Pastor Chris Everson • 7/14/2024
My Rock, My Foundation 10:00 am
Pastor Chris Everson • 6/2/2024
Currently Playing
Here I Am - 11 am
Pastor Chris Everson • 5/26/2024
Here I Am - 8:30 am
Pastor Chris Everson • 5/26/2024